A small batch of Australian sandalwood sticks with 3% guar gum binder and 7% acacia gum for strength and to slow the burn. I extruded them with my new manual extruder, which has been a dream.

6 days later

I kept thinking about the acacia gum to slow the burn 😃 a particular pre-occupation of mine! Do you ever add fragrant extracts to the acacia gum for it to hold, or is that counter productive, because they increase volatility too much?

    EspritDeLaNature No; I don't typically use any sort of extract or concentrate barring the odd tincture. It's an interesting idea though; I wonder whether it could hold enough at that percentage to make much of an impact?

      Nathan I think that they could make an impact. 7% for a concentrated extract is substantial. It may not be the primary notes of the stick but could definitely be a supporting player. Certainly, any kind of musk would make an impact.

        Is that a different extruder to the one we talked a while ago, from AliExpress?

          SamsaSpoon It is! I'm planning on writing a blog post about it. I found it on Amazon and I really like it, although it only came with 2mm tips rather than the variety shown in the picture.